Victoria Justice Rocky Horror Picture Show

(click news) Victoria Justice Rocky Horror Picture Show remake

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Rogue One Movie Review

The 8th movie in the Star Wars series.. or 9th, if you count the holiday special, is not an episode! Or is episode 3 and a half. Either way, it is the film version (blog) of the text from the original movie, where rebels steal the plans to the Death Star. (blog) Of course, the text left out that part about the ninja and the (blog post) supernukes

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Alien Covenant Movie Review

From the fires of creation birth the spark of life, giving breath and song to wonders and mundanity alike. Desire. The longing to expand, to construct and simply to exist. Endemic to (blog) these primordial ambitions is the query upon the origin funny horror movies of the inquisitor themselves.Then a critic like me shows up and says "WHAT ARE YOU

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Wes Craven's New Nightmare Movie Review

Wes Craven was brought in by New Line Cinema to revitalize the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise. After looking over the series so far, he concluded it was ridiculous, impossible to follow and Freddy wasn't scary (blog post) anymore. Thus, he fleshed out horror movie the idea he had originally intended for the 3rd Nightmare on Elm Street movie, s

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Akira Movie Review

The 1988 anime film that helped create the demand for the genre in America, Akira was based on the long running Manga series of the same name. Famously shunned by big names like George Lucas as being unmarketable, it's (blog post) still remembered for being remarkable - and very strange. Some love it, some hate it - but what do I think of it? Oh

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